Dog Walking Contract
The parties to this contract and agreement are:
Full Legal Names:*
Physical Address:*
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
(Hereinafter referred to as "the Owner")
Business Name: Happy Waggers and Sleepy Whiskers
Physical Address: 12 Lichfield Road, Talke, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST7 1SQ.
(Hereinafter referred to as "the Walker")
The parties choose the above stated addresses as their physical addresses at which legal proceedings may be instituted. Whereas the Owner wishes to engage the Walker and the Walker agrees to undertake the services under the terms and provisions defined in this Dog Walking Contract as well as the Owner's Information sheet, Pet Information sheet(s) and the Veterinary Release Form which shall all become part of this Contract. Any reference to dogs or pets in this contract shall refer to those specified on the Pet Information sheet(s).
1. Relationship and Responsibilities
1.1. It is expressly understood that the Owner retains the services of the Walker as an Independent Contractor and not as an employee.
1.2. The Walker undertakes to perform the agreed-on services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner and the Owner undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.
1.3. The Walker undertakes to notify the Owner of any occurrence pertaining to the dog which may be relevant to the care and well-being of the dog.
1.4. The Walker will supply and be equipped with waste bags and will duly remove the dog's faeces from all public places.
1.5. The Walker reserves the right to walk other compatible dogs at the same time but undertakes to limit the number of dogs walked with one person to 6 (six).
1.6. The Owner will provide suitable harnesses, collars and leads as approved by the Walker as well as coats or muzzles if required.
1.7. The Walker shall not be obliged to perform any other duties.
1.8. The Owner will inform the Walker by midday Thursday of the walks required for the next week.
1.9. The Owner must provide the Walker with the necessary keys, remote control entry devices and access codes to pick up and drop off the dog(s).
2. Compensation
2.1. For group walks, the Walker shall be paid the amount of £8 per half hour walk and £12 per hour walk. Each extra dog from the same household will add an additional £5 per half hour walk and £9 per hour walk.
2.2. For one-to-one walks, the Walker shall be paid the amount of £15 per half hour walk and £20 per hour walk. Each extra dog from the same household will add an additional £5 per half hour walk and £9 per hour walk.
2.3. For early morning, evening and weekend walks and walks on bank holidays, the Walker shall be paid the amount of £18 per half hour walk and £23 per hour walk. Each extra dog from the same household will add an additional £6 per half hour walk and £10 per hour walk.
2.4. Invoices for the next week are sent on Friday. Late payment may result in losing the booking(s).
2.5. The booking is confirmed once payment has been received.
3. Duration
3.1. This Dog Walking Contract shall come into effect once the contract has been signed by both parties and shall terminate when either party gives 7 (seven) days written notice of termination.
4. Cancellation or Early Termination
4.1. Either party may terminate this Dog Walking Contract a minimum of 24 (twenty four) hours prior to the first scheduled visit without incurring penalties or damages.
4.2. Cancellations which occur after payment has been received will result in the loss of the full rate of the walk(s).
4.3. Where the Walker needs to cancel a scheduled walk due to unforeseen circumstances, he/she may appoint a substitute Walker with the written approval of the Owner and any difference in the fees charged shall be for the account of the Walker.
4.4. Should any dog become aggressive or dangerous, the Walker may terminate this dog walking contract with immediate effect.
4.5. Any wrongful or misleading information in the Owner's Information or Pet Information sheets may constitute a breach of terms of this Dog Walking Contract and be grounds for instant termination thereof.
4.6. Termination under the circumstances described in 4.4 or 4.5 above shall not entitle the Owner to any refunds.
5. Liability
5.1. The Walker accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage to the Owner's property if any other person has access to the property during the term of this agreement.
5.2. The Walker shall not be liable for any mishap of whatsoever nature which may befall a dog or caused by a dog who has unsupervised access to the outdoors.
5.3. The Owner shall be liable for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to the Walker caused by the dog as well as damage to the Owner's property.
5.4. The Walker is released from all liability related to transporting dog(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the dog(s) and the expense thereof.
6. Indemnification
The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other as well as respective employees, successors and assigns from any and all claims arising from either party's willful or negligent conduct.
7. Emergencies
In the event of an emergency, the Walker shall contact the Owner at the numbers provided to confirm the Owner's choice of action. If the Owner cannot be reached in time for the appropriate treatment to satisfy the level of emergency, the Walker is authorized to:
7.1. Transport the dog(s) to the listed veterinarian;
7.2. Request on-site treatment from a veterinarian;
7.3. Transport the dog(s) to an emergency clinic if the previous two options are not feasible.
8. Security
The Walker warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the Owner. At the end of the contract period or upon termination of this Dog Walking Contract, the Owner must collect all keys and remote control entry devices from the Walker's physical address.
9. Relaxation of Terms
No relaxation, indulgence, waiver or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of this agreement on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.
10. Whole Agreement
This Dog Walking Contract and Owner's Information sheet, Pet Information sheet(s) and the Veterinary Release Form attached constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any alleged expressed or implied provision not contained therein. Any alteration to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.
11. Assignment
No party may assign any of its rights or delegate or assign any of its obligations in terms of this Dog Walking Contract without the prior written consent of the other party, except where otherwise stated.
12. Binding Effect
The terms of this Contract shall be binding upon and accrue to the benefit and be enforceable by either party's successors, legal representatives and assigns.
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Name:*
Emergency Contact's number:*
Prefered time of walk/visit for each day (Please note that group walks are between 9 am and 3 pm Monday to Friday, although efforts are made to meet each customer’s preferred time this is not always possible. Please also note that collection may be before 9 am):
Property Description
Securely Fenced:*
Pet Door:*
Describe any problems with the fence (ie. gate not easily latched, dog digs under fence, etc):
Location of cleaning supplies:
Security System (if applicable):
Company Name (if applicable):
Code (if applicable):
Phone Number of Security Company (if applicable):
Password (if applicable):
Arming Instructions (if applicable):
Disarming Instructions (if applicable):
Will you have any one else on your property around the walk/visit time (relatives, friends, house cleaner, etc)?:
Anything else I should know:
Pet's Information
Pet's Name:*
Pet's DOB:*
Spayed femaleMaleFemaleNeutered male
Fleaing brand:*
Fleaing Treatment Frequency:*
Worming Brand:*
Worming Treatment Frequency:*
Any other medications(Prescribed or OTC)?
Date of last vaccination:*
Pet 2
Pet's Name:
Pet's DOB:
Spayed FemaleMaleFemaleNeutered Male
Fleaing brand:
Fleaing Treatment Frequency:
Worming Brand:
Worming Treatment Frequency:
Medical Conditions/Medication:
Date of last vaccination:
Pet 3
Pet's Name:
Pet's DOB:
Spayed FemaleMaleFemaleNeutered Male
Fleaing brand:
Fleaing Treatment Frequency:
Worming Brand:
Worming Treatment Frequency:
Medical Conditions/Medication:
Date of last vaccination:
Pet 4
Pet's Name:
Pet's DOB:
Spayed FemaleMaleFemaleNeutered Male
Fleaing brand:
Fleaing Treatment Frequency:
Worming Brand:
Worming Treatment Frequency:
Medical Conditions/Medication:
Date of last vaccination:
Permission to give your pet treats.*
Permission to take photos/videos of your pet and post them online.*
Veterinary Release Form
If any of the pets named above becomes ill or is injured, I request Happy Waggers and Sleepy Whiskers to take the pets to:
Veterinary Office Name:*
Contact Telephone:*
Alternate Veterinary Office Name:
Contact Telephone:
If the chosen Veterinary Offices are unavailable or far away in the case of an emergency, I give Happy Waggers and Sleepy Whiskers permission to choose an appropriate alternative.
If your pet/pets are insured:
Pet Insurance Number:
Policy Company
I hereby authorize the attending veterinarian to treat any of my pets as listed above and I accept full responsibility for all fees and charges incurred in the treatment of any of my pets.
The Dog Walker/Pet Sitter is authorised to transport my pet(s) to and from the veterinary clinic for treatment or to request "on-site" treatment if deemed necessary. If I cannot be reached in the case of an emergency, the Dog Walker/Pet Sitter shall act on my behalf to authorize any treatment excluding euthanasia.
I give permission to approve treatment up to £*
I will assume full responsibility upon my return for payment and/or reimbursement for veterinary services rendered up to the above stated amount.
Signed on by the Owner who warrants his/her authority to enter into this agreement.
Email Address:*